Importance of Zero-Loss Hydrogen Storage Systems
By: GenH2 Staff
Read Time: 2 minutes
To maximize the use of hydrogen as the distinctive energy carrier solution, multiple critical and synergistic approaches are being utilized in addressing hydrogen’s efficiency and longevity in long-term storage and transfer. One of the critical infrastructure approaches is designing and implementing zero-loss systems that liquefy hydrogen and minimize boil-off as it is stored. This preserves energy by preventing hydrogen gas from being released.
Currently in some large capacity liquid hydrogen storage and transfer systems, boiloff is expected through the venting system which is a substantial cost contributor. As always, safety and limiting exposure continues to be a priority and having goals of no venting while decreasing costs is significantly beneficial. Designs and methodologies for mitigation of these boil-off losses, especially at smaller scales, are making major strides and becoming increasingly important and less costly as more and newer applications for liquid hydrogen emerge.
Through innovative designs and controlled storage, controlled refrigeration capabilities, allows liquid hydrogen to be stored indefinitely for on-demand usage. This approach to zero-loss storage and transfer mitigates boil-off losses throughout the delivery and transfer process which includes trucking and offloading, storage, and use of the liquid hydrogen at end-user. This process results in the maximized efficiency of hydrogen while keeping it safely contained until it is ready for use with no loss of energy molecules, improved safety through no venting, and faster operations for the end-user. Time savings of zero-loss systems is the biggest benefit of all as the hydrogen supply chain expands and grows in the coming decades.
Zero-loss liquid hydrogen systems will aid future forms of infrastructure due to their active retention of liquid hydrogen with negligible environmental impacts. Building upon research from NASA’s Cryogenic Test Laboratory, GenH2’s small-scale controlled storage system LS20 Mobile Liquid Hydrogen System press release adds the feature of portability to the mix, along with zero-loss transfer and the option for re-liquefaction for the end user. Thanks to these advancements, the storage and transport of Liquid ElectricityTM can now be done with zero-loss at light scale. Continued advancements in zero-loss hydrogen storage technology will ensure that the future of hydrogen benefits both people and the planet.