Premier Provider of Hydrogen Power For Aviation Maritime Mass Transit Trains Transit Transport Trucks Trash

Liquid Hydrogen Solutions for Industries on the Move

GenH2 - Liquid Hyrogen Solutions for Industries on the Move

Our advanced technologies can be used to build out the infrastructure needed to support hydrogen as the new clean energy carrier for all modes of transportation.

The electric car industry has ignited the movement towards cleaner transport, but this overhaul alone will not be enough to achieve the level of emission reduction the global community is demanding. The transformation must reach all sectors of “The 4T’s” of Trucks, Transit, Trash, and Transport. Hydrogen power is perfectly positioned to answer the call of these industries for clean, efficient, low-emission energy.

Global industry leaders, both new and established, are looking to transition their fleets to hydrogen energy to meet the demands of their consumers and governments. GenH2 is offering the modular infrastructure needed for this transformation. From trucks to transit and trash to transport, GenH2 offers the answers that energy-conscious consumers, corporations, and municipalities demand.


For over a century, we have relied on airplanes to achieve travel across nations and transport goods faster than any other system. It has easily become an irreplaceable industry that is utilized all across the world, however, it comes at the cost of unprecedented amounts of fossil fuel consumption and carbon expenditure that pollute our skies and deplete our earth of its natural resources. Hydrogen has quickly risen as the ultimate solution to renewable energy and emission-free fuel. GenH2 is creating solutions that make the hydrogen infrastructure a reality.

GenH2 is creating aviation solutions that are setting the path toward a clean energy future.
GenH2 is creating maritime solutions that are setting the path toward a clean energy future


All across our oceans, seafaring vessels expel alarming amounts of carbon emissions and consume billions of gallons of fossil fuels every year. Cargo ships are seen by many as a leading cause of carbon emissions in our environment, and for the waste pollution that finds its way into our waters. Because of this, governments and maritime industry leaders alike are determined to transition to cleaner energy. Several maritime companies have already begun switching over to hydrogen power, the best solution for efficient and emission-free energy. GenH2’s solutions are leading the way in this switch to clean energy.

Mass Transit

In our modern society, travelers rely on some form of transportation. Whether by means of an automobile, bus, train, boat, or aircraft, all of them fall under the purpose of being used for transit.

With every major transit system running on fossil fuels, the world has become increasingly aware of the need for clean, renewable energy in order to preserve how we travel. While many have set their sights on electric power, there is another clean alternative that will take the market by storm: hydrogen power. The 100% clean and renewable fuel source is our sole focus at GenH2, and we are creating the hydrogen solution that will completely transform mass transit forever.

GenH2 is creating the hydrogen solution that will completely transform mass transit forever.
Hydrogen Solutions for the Transit Industry

Bus Transit

For many communities, bus transit emissions represent a significant portion of their overall carbon output. For this reason, their municipalities are motivated to convert pollution-producing buses over to more efficient combustion systems like hydrogen. There are numerous examples of local governments in the US and Europe who are testing hydrogen-powered transit in their communities, with hopes of eventually converting their entire system to the more efficient fuel source. GenH2 solutions will enable transition from fossil fuels to clean energy.


Trains have been used for almost 200 years and continue to be one of the most used and relied upon transportation systems. Despite being instrumental for society, the fuel consumption and carbon emissions caused by these locomotives have drastic consequences on our environment.

While the train industry has tried to make trains cleaner over the years their subsequent emissions are still alarmingly high. As the world continues looking into clean energy for better sustainability and environmental protection, sights are narrowing in on hydrogen. For the train industry, hydrogen power is the ultimate solution. Using advanced technology at GenH2, we have created hydrogen solutions that will have the power to completely transform trains into zero-emission, clean transportation machines.

GenH2 has created hydrogen solutions that will have the power to completely transform trains into zero-emission, clean transportation machines.
GenH2 Service Station

Passenger Vehicles

Just a decade ago, an electric car turned heads, but today they fill the roads and compete well with their gasoline-powered counterparts. The hydrogen car industry has taken advantage of this movement to introduce a more efficient consumer product. Yet there remains the need for a widespread infrastructure of dispensing stations for hydrogen vehicles and this is where GenH2 offers an industry-revolutionizing solution. GenH2 has developed the first integrated hydrogen filling system to provide complete capabilities, which can be engineered to fit within the footprint of existing fueling stations. Once this infrastructure is established, the benefit of the hydrogen car will be fully realized.

Long-Haul Trucking

The EPA reports that the transportation industry is the leading contributor of carbon emissions in the United States and the US domestic trucking sector spends approximately $105 billion on diesel fuel annually, according to the ATA.

There is a global effort to reduce carbon emissions from truck fleets, including tow trucks, semi-trucks, and construction vehicles. Many municipalities are looking at hydrogen to reduce emissions and improve the efficiency of their vehicles. The move from gasoline to electric trucks will increase hydrogen demand and GenH2 will help facilitate the transition.

The emissions of long-haul trucks must factor into any discussion of carbon footprint reduction.
hydrogen trash truck

Waste Management Vehicles

In cities across America, noisy trash trucks rumble from house to house, dumpster to dumpster, emitting both noise and environmental pollution. Hydrogen-powered sanitation systems offer a way to reduce emissions while still meeting operational requirements. Countries like Scotland and Sweden have already deployed these trucks, and more are being tested across Europe. GenH2 technology will allow the expansion of quiet energy solutions.

Accelerating the Hydrogen Economy

Net Zero Goal

Minimizes CO2 emissions

200+ Million Invested

Public and private funded research

Hydrogen Experts Onboard

Over 3 decades of Hydrogen Experience